Friday, December 9, 2016

Idiot or Fraud?

Donald Trump is either an idiot or a fraud. He just built an election campaign around the supposition that he is going to solve the illegal immigration problem. Never mind that he has made extensive use of hiring illegals on his own projects down through the years on numerous occasions; he sold the idea to a lot of angry Americans that he is going to solve the issue that he and others just like him created by hiring illegal workers on a large scale.

Now, he has picked a man as his Secretary of Labor, Andy Puzdner, who is on tape laughing about the fact that his business would lose a large percentage of its middle managers every time US Immigrations and Customs Enforcement announced a raid on his restaurants. He goes on in this tape to brag about the work ethic of the illegals he hires; explaining they are just glad to have a job. Never mind that he pays dirt wages and refuses to pay overtime; they should be happy to work for him and make him even richer as CEO of Hardees and Carl Jr's. restaurants. Being afraid of being picked up and deported tends to make workers less prone to complaining about being cheated out of their pay by unscrupulous owners. This is important if the business you run has been found of guilty of doing this on numerous occasions in the past. Of course when Mr. Puzdner gets put in charge of the Labor Department that will probably not happen anymore; especially not in the restaurants he runs.

He continues on this same tape to explain that his industry NEEDS the US government to stop all the illegal immigration talk and give the illegals who are already here amnesty. How else is he going to find an unlimited amount of cheap labor to staff his businesses?

Here is a link to the tape, made some 3 years ago at an American Enterprise Institute gathering. Fast forward to the 11:18 minute on the tape to see this slimeball in action.

Puzdner and others like him are the very reason we have an illegal immigration problem. They simply don't understand how they are going to continue to enrich themselves so dramatically while holding all their workers well below the poverty line without the continous supply of cheap labor that illegal immigration provides.

Either Trump has been lying the whole time about wanting to solve this issue or he is completely ignorant of the views of the guy he just picked to be his Secretary of Labor. The fact that information was readily available before the elections that Trump himself has made ample use of illegal immigrants on numerous occasions in his own business tends to support the first conclusion; which makes most of the people who voted for him because of this issue the real idiots.

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